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Working in EuropeIntellectual Property RightsFinland

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights include copyright, patent rights, rights in a trademark, utility model rights, design copyright, rights to a commercial name, protection of integrated circuits and layout designs, and plant variety rights.

All intellectual property rights are granted for a limited period of time. An important distinction between copyright and so-called industrial rights is that the latter require registration, whereas copyright does not.

Each individual organisation, whether a university, research institute or business company, will have its own way of dealing with IPR issues and its own IPR guidelines.

The Finnish legal system protects intellectual property rights and Finland adheres to numerous international agreements concerning intellectual property. Finland has joined the most important copyright agreements.

What you need to do when you move to another organisation

When you move to work with another organisation, check in advance what intellectual property rights you may have created in your previous job and who has ownership of those rights, you or your former employer. This applies equally whether you are moving from one organisation to another, moving abroad, or returning to your home country.

User rights to existing IPR need to be agreed upon either with you or with the institution you are coming from depending on who is the right holder.